
Showing posts from May, 2018

EDUC 337 Week # 4

Hello group!      I really wish I would have known we were going to use this particular subject for our blog post because I have one heck of a "I did not get my way" story.  I will start in 2012 when I got out of the Marine Corps, I served 13 years, took that summer off to relax and hang out with my son.  I started my college adventure that fall, I loaded up on classes and pushed through to complete my associates degree after four semesters.  I had my daughter in January of 2014 so I was only in one class for that spring semester but was able to push through to more courses that summer and fall.  Spring of 2015, I was almost finished with my education courses I needed but this is when everything fell apart.      I was rocking and rolling toward my bachelors degree and finishing all of my schooling, so excited and could not wait to start teaching.  It all changed that Mother's day with a phone call from my mother in law ...

EDUC 337 Post # 3

Hello group!      As always, I enjoyed class tonight!  By going over word walls and having a quick thought on creating a lesson plan really got my mind going.  I really enjoyed that because it was a quick learning tool that opened my eyes to very different words and how to use them in a classroom.       Creating a mini lesson plan about a writing lesson almost blew my mind though!  I felt like we needed about 15 more minutes but I was able to learn a lot about thinking quickly on my feet about different teaching ideas used during this assignment.       Unfortunately, technology was not our friend last night so the last portion of class was pretty confusing so I plan on going back over the power point to make sure I do not miss out on anything.  I think I have my unit lessons planned in my head, I have started my 100 questions and I hope to start/finish a lot this weekend.  We will see....

EDUC 337 Post # 2

 Hello group! This week's class was mostly about chapters 2 & 3 to ensure we know what steps or wickets we should/need to go through for our students to be successful in language arts.  I really think that an hour for reading and an hour for writing should be put into a lesson plan for a classroom.  Yes, this seems like a long time but if it is broken up into different areas, such as, read aloud, silent reading, writing to a pen pal, phonics, etc.  The students may run out of time wanting to finish what has been set up for that particular day.  Every day would be a different round about of reading and writing so they do not get set into a slump like routine and so they are able to accomplish the assignments during the given time.  I am not sure if that makes sense but it does in my head.   Michelle Perry Michelle Neat, happy, fun, outgoing Sister of Heather & Stephen Lover of my Husband (Josh), Son (Fernando) & Daughte...

EDUC 337 Post # 1

Hello group! I apologize for being so late with this post!  I was unable to attend class last week so I am still catching up with assignments due for this week.  I was able to listen to the recording of the class and as always I am excited to see a lot of familiar names/classmates from previous classes.  Honestly, I do not remember reading much growing up but at the time I could care less so that is probably why now I enjoy a good book now and then.  I really got into reading in Afghanistan because there was only so much you could do at the gym and our work load lightened so much at one point we thought we were going to go crazy!  Lol I still was not a reader until a few years ago when college kind of forced me into that direction but I am glad I did!  I have gone back through and read all of the Nicholas Sparks books, all of the "old school" readings (Shilo, Huck Finn, Old Yeller, etc), and of course my regular college course rea...