
Showing posts from 2017

Lesson Plan Week # 6

Karen—6 th grade science periodic table.   Creating their own chart for the periodic table so they are able to remember the elements.   I really like how you break down the vocabulary that you want the students to know and remember.   Using the bottle caps will give the students a different way to break down the table.   Great job! Devyn—2 nd grade synonym and antonyms.   I love the “snowball” game with using different student’s synonyms and creating their own words for the current words!   I will definitely be saving the frayer model sample that I pulled up to use in my class. Thank you Devyn for adding that to your lesson!   Great job! Rachel—1 st grade language arts.   Creating a journal about animal babies and using a venn diagram about true/false questions is a great way to get the students involved.   I think getting them excited about owls and how to write about them, maybe not just have a stuffed animal to see but to have...

Lesson Plan Week # 5

Devin Strum—History on the Civil War, poor Devin was having technical difficulties like I had a couple weeks ago.   I really liked the pre-assessment idea to find out what the students know or do not know.   It gets the students involved with the lesson and helps them remember what they do need to remember.   The inside out chair game seems like it would be a great way to keep the class moving and informed.   Great job!

Lesson Plans Week # 4

Clint—Social Studies for high school students.   Focus on the Civil War-lesson one.   I really liked the bell work with having the students tell what they know or ask questions on what they do not know.   Having the students have a journal to keep information about what was talked about in class.   I love the sample thinking map to give the students the openness to work on their own.   I really like the power point Clint used for the lesson, simple, to the point but gains attention on the information.   Lesson two adds the slavery portion of the Civil War, making sure they remember what was taught in lesson one, another thinking map, project for the class and putting the class into groups to discussion the railroad at the time.  

Lesson Plans Week # 3

Tiffannie—3 rd grade science about plants and animals.   I love the Froggy Froggy video presented for the anticipatory set, the students will remember what the lesson is about with that kind of hook!   I loved how you broke down what time frame the information was to be presented in your lesson.   The second lesson had really pretty pictures and another great video for the anticipatory set.   Great idea for the students to write about how animals adapt. Carman—Continued with 2 nd grade “Fall into Math”, I love the worksheet idea but need to have specific math problems for the students.   Linsey—1 st grade writing, the students writing about The Three Little Pigs .   The story maps with the setting, characters, problem, and solution.   The next lesson writing about Goldilocks and the Three Bears , similar to the previous lesson using the story map.   I love the worksheets for this assignment!   Sara—5 th grade landforms, fun, wor...

Lesson Plans Week # 2

Crystal- 6 th Science lesson plan, requiring 100% of specific organisms.   Certain characteristics of organisms that are alive or not alive.   What is an ecosystem?   Breaking down what an ecosystem is and continuing on with the lesson as a unit.   Ensure that the class is given a closure, like mine but I really enjoyed the lesson. Carman- 2 nd grade math lesson with adding 1-4 digit problems.   How you named the lesson plans was awesome….”Fall into two digit numbers,” this hooks the students almost right away!   I really enjoyed how you kept the students engaged with learning math.   Sometimes, students really have a hard time with math but keeping them excited about it is great!   Awesome lesson plan! My corrections--Closure- at the end of the lesson. What they want to come up with remediation and enrichment.   Have to have work done at school with no homework.   Different anticipatory set activity.

Lesson Plans Week # 1

I really liked all of the lesson plans that were done tonight! Great job everyone! Amanda’s presentation- (1) I really enjoyed Amanda’s lesson plan for 2nd graders breaking down how to explain a story’s beginning, middle and end. Making sure the students understand how a book is broken down will help them understand reading the book itself. (2) Explaining character traits in 2nd grade on the book Molly Lou Melon’s on a handout, traits about themselves, and using apps on iPad. 2nd grade students are still learning different traits about themselves and so for them to learn about it in class is a great way to help the students grow. Douglas’ presentation- (1) Language arts with metaphors, hyperboles, etc for 5th grade. I love how Doug makes the class excited about learning language arts. Playing a game to help students learn is a great way to keep them engaged with the subject. (2) Similes for students to learn in 5th grade. Making sure the students stay engaged is the best way to ensure...

Thinking Maps

Hello all! Thinking maps are a great way to bring information together for those who are visual or a student that needs information broken down in a different manner.  I really liked the bridge map choice but I think if I add too much to the map, I may get confused but that is me.  It seemed as though most any subject could be used in creating a bridge map and help to keep information organized.  I am not sure if I would utilize this method in an elementary classroom, I think there would be too much drawing for some of the students and less learning.  Just a thought after observing the last few weeks, I could be oh so wrong though.  :-)

Teach Like a Champion

During this assignment for our blog post I had to stop myself from watching more videos and writing about them, I absolutely loved this particular bit of information and will be looking to purchase the book Teach Like a Champion .  I have been in my field experience classroom for just over a week now and a lot of the information that my cooperating teacher does follows along with the information from these videos.  I think there is a lot more to learn about lesson plans but there is so much to learn as to what not to do in the lessons as well.  Video # 1 Teach Like a Champion 2.0  - Wanting to make the book Teach Like a Champion a better book by the notes taken from teachers and the students that can make teachers better for the students.  This is a way to work with teachers to make better teachers; it is all about working together to make everyone better! Video # 2 Technique 1 No Opt Out - Not allowing the students to get out of something they "don't ...

My Barnacle

I think the biggest portion of class that stuck with me was during the video when Mr. McTighe stated that we should not worry about all the "extra" mumbo-jumbo that falls within teaching to a test.  (not his exact words but close :-))  The main point was that teachers should not worry about all the unnecessary information that is added to lesson plans but to teach the "meat and potatoes" of a lesson.  Teachers are so worried about teaching to a test or trying to make a subject fun that they loose sight of teaching the students.  Yes, the lesson should be fun and tests should not be the end result...ensuring the students retain the information being presented.  Focus on the students and everyone will win! 

Collaborative Planning

I feel as collaborative planning would be beneficial for the teachers and the students.  If all the teachers work together in creating lesson plans, changes can be made as needed and the teachers will know from year to year what needs to be adjusted, added, deleted or left alone.  Another benefit from having collaborative planning is that if a substitute teacher has to be in a class for any period of time, the students will not have to miss out on the next pieces of information.  The class can continue on as though the primary teacher had never left.   As long as the teachers and administration are able to work together as a team, the students will benefit from all the extended minds being used to create lessons.

Lesson Plan Style

Hello class! I am not sure I will have a lesson plan "style" but I really like the step by step of Madeline Hunter's lesson plans. I do think that she has a lot of steps/information that goes into one of her lesson plans but I think the more the better for the students.  I think I read this at some point tonight, "Lesson plans should be geared mostly for the student and types of students; being a guide for the teacher".  I really like that because if for some reason the students are not understanding what the lesson plan is about then the teacher needs to be able to adjust quickly.  For a teacher to know the class very well, definitely helps in creating lesson plans for them.  Work smarter, not harder!

Lesson Planning

Hello all!      I think lesson planning is vital to the classroom because it helps the class flow as well as keep the teacher in line on what it next for the class.  When I say flows, I mean that it provides the teacher with steps on what he/she needs to cover for a specific subject.  The teacher needs to be able to follow along with Bloom's Taxonomy to ensure that there is creativity, evaluation, analyzing, application, understanding and remembering within the plan for the students.  With the creativity, the students will remember what is being taught; evaluating will tell the teach what the students know or not know pertaining to that information; analyzing will break down the information to the students; applying the information will again help the students understand and remember the information which are the last two for the taxonomy; understanding the information for a specific subject helps the teacher know that the students will remember (bein...

Learning Objectives

I have done learning objective before and have read many of them taking college courses but it is so different coming up with new ones after three years. :-0   Enjoy! 1. My husband will demonstrate to our son how to safely operate a chain saw with the appropriate safety equipment using work gloves and safety goggles while taking as much time as possible to safely and correctly utilize a chain saw. 2. In the first grade class, they will read, at home, a book of their choice from the school's readers selection in order to explain what was read to me the following day in an appropriate amount of time with the least amount of mistakes. 

Class Reflection #1

Hello class! I enjoyed meeting everyone new tonight and those of you that were in previous classes.  I also enjoyed hearing about everyone's favorite teacher.  Most of the class definitely has had some very positive individuals that have helped to guide them into teaching or had a very positive role model.  I think it is awesome to have some of the same experiences as I have had throughout my college courses.  It is fun to hear everyone's adventures! 

Field Experience Q-5

·          Is the school goals driven?   I wish I would have taken these questions with me because this is not something that I actually took the time to research.   The school itself seemed to be goal driven in that each week the students have Heritage fitness time, where they have specific time set aside for the students to get exercise and learn about their health.   How are the goals displayed? I did not see anything displayed but I was not looking specifically for it.   

Field Experience Q-4

·          What diversity are you noticing in the school?   The school I was in was very diverse with the different cultures of students to the disabled students who were in the general classrooms.   There was one student that had autism, in a general classroom, that was just giving his para-educator a very hard time but she was extremely calm and worked things out with him so he was able to go about his day.   What are strategies in place to help these students be successful?   Keeping all the students in the general classrooms and ensuring the “Hope” team assists any student with possible issues.   What needs do you feel are going unnoticed?   None that I noticed while I was there.  

Field Experience Q-3

·          What does technology look like there?   All the teachers are equipped with Mac computers and the students have iPad for reading, math, etc.   ·          Are the students literate in technology vocab?   I was in a first grade classroom, for the most part all of the students were very literate in the technology. ·          What experiences are being provided?   The school provides the teachers with lessons that can be utilized during their lesson plans or use something a little different if they are not comfortable with the explanation of material.  

Field Experience Q-2

·          What are the classrooms like? Cheerful? Colorful?   I was in a first grade classroom, the particular teacher that I was with had her room decorated with patriotic number, letters, sight words, etc.   The room was very cheerful, colorful and very organized with cubbies for the students, a closet for the teacher and a sink for washing hands and drinking water.   ·          Upload a sketch or a photo of the classroom you observed (no children, please) ·          What are on the walls?   Patriotic everything that the teacher could find which I think she switches out from year to year.   ·          What does the teacher desk look like?   The teacher’s desk was a smaller desk, organized but used on a daily basis. ·          Are there boo...

Field Experience Q-1

·          Describe the school community.   How do the halls look? Sound? The school itself is extremely clean, the building was just renovated a few years ago so it is all new and updated.   There was very little chatter within the halls.   The student are not overly loud but are able to talk quietly when waiting in line.   ·          What is the noise level? Is it a happy sound? Like in the previous question, the noise level is soft but very happy and controlled.    ·          Are there any displays? Each grade level had their own décor for the specific holiday such as Valentine’s Day.   The rest of the halls in general were very clean with plants and boards for future student art/displays. ·          What is the library, gym, music room and art room like? I was not in the libr...

Classroom Management

Most parents and teachers do not think that a student spends the majority of his or her time with their teacher throughout a school year.   With this in mind, a teacher should ensure that the students in class are on their best behavior.   This article tells about how a teacher can create a safe, happy, orderly environment to learn.   A teacher should treat all of his/her students the same, no one student should be singled out in any way.   All students should be able to approach, talk with and express themselves to their teacher.   Teachers should make every effort in resolving an issue in the classroom instead of sending troubled students to the office to have someone else deal with the troubled student.   A teacher should always try to keep a positive environment for students, check to see how students are doing(one on one) and do not ever label a student as “bad” or “unruly”.   Talk with students that are out of line privately vise talking i...