EDUC 337 Post # 2

Hello group!
This week's class was mostly about chapters 2 & 3 to ensure we know what steps or wickets we should/need to go through for our students to be successful in language arts.  I really think that an hour for reading and an hour for writing should be put into a lesson plan for a classroom.  Yes, this seems like a long time but if it is broken up into different areas, such as, read aloud, silent reading, writing to a pen pal, phonics, etc.  The students may run out of time wanting to finish what has been set up for that particular day.  Every day would be a different round about of reading and writing so they do not get set into a slump like routine and so they are able to accomplish the assignments during the given time.  I am not sure if that makes sense but it does in my head.
Michelle Perry


Neat, happy, fun, outgoing

Sister of Heather & Stephen

Lover of my Husband (Josh), Son (Fernando) & Daughter (Madalynn)

Who feels loved, accomplished, motivated

Who fears heights, wasps, failing

Who would like to see my grandchildren (one day), the northern lights, Paris

Resident of Brumley, MO

So, I received a Mother's Day card from  my 4 year old daughter today and I wanted to post how well she can write her name.  Well, I think it is awesome!  I traced her name out on writing paper, she practiced it for a couple days and this is what she remembers......
She had to have her picture taken and added
She is a nut!  Lol


  1. Hi Michelle, love the picture of your daughter and that she provided you with a great example of emergent writing!! My daughter has been working on that too, she can write about 4 of the 6 letters correct. I agree with your post too that we can get writing in without making it seem monotonous to the students, I like the ideas you shared.

  2. Your daughter is adorable! I love her curly hair. I enjoyed reading your biographical poem, too. You would hate to be at my house if you’re scared of wasps because we have a problem with red wasps swarming around our front door, deck, etc. Those things are mean! I’d love to see the northern lights, too. I bet they’d be so beautiful!

  3. Aww what a cute little one you have!! She seems to have a lot of personality haha!! I am a huge believer of the rotation style literacy groups! I couldn't agree more with you more that we need to mix it up so kids are not getting bored. I know that even as an adult I do better with rotations! I am definitely a rotations girl when it comes to working out and I know I am more effective when I am mixing things up compared to doing one thing and then moving on to the next! You had a great post, and I loved your poem!!


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